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Wade Smart's answer is your solution.  The reason is that you will freeze each component of the address of the reference for the maximum function.  That is, $A freezes the column, $1 freezes the row within the column.  By freezing the max function's reference, you allow the scaled cell to advance as you pull the top cell in column B down to auto increment.
$ will freeze column, row or sheet as needed.

On 10/2/23 8:02 AM, Uwe Brauer wrote:

I have the following simple table

| Marks | Scaled  |
|     1 |        |
|     2 |        |
|     3 |        |
|     4 |        |
|     5 |        |
|     6 |        |
|     7 |        |

In the column scaled I want each value from column Marks, divided by the
maximum of column marks which is 7.

So I thought

| Marks | Scaled         |
|     1 | =A1/max(A1:A7) |
|     2 |                |
|     3 |                |
|     4 |                |
|     5 |                |
|     6 |                |
|     7 |                |

That gives the correct entry for B1, however if now, drag with the mouse
down that formula I obtain

| Marks | Scaled         |
|     7 | =A1/max(A1:A7) |
|     2 | =B1/max(A2:A7) |
|     3 |                |
|     4 |                |
|     5 |                |
|     6 |                |
|     1 |                |

Which is not what I want.

That is a very elementary question, but google does not help me.

Uwe Brauer

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