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Curious.  I was happy to have discovered this setting as a result of this thread. So I set it to 
'false' way back in March. I frequently change the style's side bar width by dragging it and the 
MinimumWidth setting has stayed at 'false'.


On 29/09/2023 18:53, Eric Beversluis wrote:
I'm re-sending this question, which didn't get answered. It's happened again that the minimumwidth setting 
somehow changed back to "true."

It just seems to have happened today. I haven't re-installed LO or anything like that.

What causes the value to change? How can I keep it from happening?

On 4/27/23 09:46, Eric Beversluis wrote:
OK. That works. But I keep having to reset it. What do I have to do to keep the setting at "false"?

On 3/4/23 09:43, Philip Jackson wrote:
Thanks to the OP and to V Stuart Foote - that was something I will find useful too.

It worked beautifully but I had to close the document and reopen for it to take effect.
On 04/03/2023 02:30, V Stuart Foote wrote:
Sorry for the top post...

Use Tools -> Options -> Advanced  "Open Expert Configuration"

Search for "minimumwidth"

Click the "Edit" button to directly toggle  'MinimumWidth' boolean value from  "true" to "false"

OK out to apply.

The Sidebar Deck can now be dragged as narrow as needed before it will collapse to show just the 
deck TAB Bar


Fri, 3 Mar 2023 16:26:09 -0500

How do I shrink the styles sidebar? Zoom works lovely on the main window--I used "optimal" most of 
the time, but that doesn't help if I can't shrink the styles sidebar.

I can drag to make it bigger but not to make it smaller than a certain size. And I can't find 
anywhere to change the font size. So, for example, if I need to shrink the entire Writer window 
down to share screen space I end up with the styles sidebar taking up half the window with large 
type even when the main doc window type is so small it's hardly readable.

There must be some way to do this. I just can't find it.


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