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Hi Michael,

On 2023-02-12 15:32, Michael H wrote:
I don't understand why you would not use a 4 card (2x2) to 1 letter or a4
page layout instead of a 3x1 layout. It seems a waste of material to me. ...
I don't disagree, but it's a matter of context: Rod asked a LibreOffice question in a LibreOffice 
forum, so I gave a LibreOffice answer. I respect your effort to widen the context [like you, I'm 
also dedicated to maximizing efficiency and minimizing waste], and the same thought occurred to me 
at the time, but did not widen the context for a few reasons:
        (1) Rod asked about a specific form, so he already had his form.
        (2) When/If Rod runs out of Avery 5388, he can revisit his choice of form ... but I don't know of a 
cardstock form of 3"x5" cards arranged 2x2. Do you?
        (3) A 1x3 format uses 48% of a letter-size (8.5x11) sheet, while a 2x2 format uses 64% -- a 
welcome improvement, but (a) obviously neither is great in that context, and (b) the 1x3 format may 
be more efficient in non-material ways, such as the presentation on his screen.

IOW, the most efficient choice may not be knowable to us without a lot more information and context.


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