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On 2/11/23 11:21, John Kaufmann wrote:
On 2023-02-11 13:28, Roderick Anderson wrote:
I have a need to create some 3X5 index cards with the content oriented along the 3" axis.
I'm having no joy rotation the label form (Avery 5388) to landscape. ...
Trying to understand what you want to do that, I looked at Avery 5388, 
which has 3 3"x5" cards (labels, for form purposes) arranged (landscape) 
vertically on what appears to be an 8.5"x11" (portrait) card sheet, with 
unused borders on that sheet of 1" top/bottom, 1.75" left/right. Correct?
And you want to treat each card/label as if it were in portrait 
orientation for text purposes? 
Yes. This is what I want to do.

If so, there are different ways to accomplish that, but before going further please confirm or correct that understanding (no point giving answers to the wrong question).

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