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It's a little more complex than you describe. If I'm using one of my 'list' styles where in its 
specification, the 'next style' is described as the same, I can hit return multiple times and each 
leaves me a blank line in the same list style.

If I'm in my regular 'text body' style and I start a new para in that style, then I hit one of the 
list formatting buttons in the toolbar, my paragraph remains in the text body style with formatting 
applied to provide an indent and bullet or number. But I am always in the 'text body' style. If I 
do not enter any text but simply hit return, the next paragraph is still in 'text body' style but 
without the additional formatting supplied by the list button.  And the button darkening to which 
you refer has gone.

For writing which will / or may be later transformed into another format such as epub, it is better 
to avoid 'ad hoc' formatting and make a special style.


On 16/12/2022 21:18, Eric Beversluis wrote:
Here's a theory that a bit of testing seems to support:

What if, when one hits 'return,' the 'block outline' style has not been applied because there's 
nothing on the new line.

If then, one hits 'return' again, Writer is not longer following up on any particular style so it 
reverts to the default style.

Tending to confirm this: typing just a blank space before hitting the second 'return' retains the 
'block outline' style.

The behavior of the toolbar 'ordered list' icon shows what's happening. When in 'block outline,' 
the icon for 'ordered list' is darkened. If I hit two 'returns' in a row, the 'no list' icon is 
darkened. Fn-F12 restores the 'ordered list' setting--the 'ordered list' icon is darkened again.

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