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On 16/12/2022 17:20, Eric Beversluis wrote:
I have a custom outline style that I call 'block outline' because it doesn't use bullets or 
alphanumerics to head the different levels.

It's set to single space. But there are times I want to double space--e.g., to make a greater break between 
"paragraphs" at a given outline level. But when I hit enter/return twice I get kicked out of my 
custom outline style.

Is this a "feature" of LO Writer outlining or is there some setting that will keep me in the current outline 
style when I add an extra line spacing? (The only thing that works now is to single space, add some new text, and then 
go to the start of that "paragraph" and hit enter/return again.)

Using Ubuntu 20.04 and LO on Dell XPS.

Hi Eric, there are a couple of ways that I use to do that sort of thing when I use bullet or 
alphanumeric lists that you can also use with what you call your block outline style.

The first, for occasional use, is to use a soft return using Shift+Enter. This just gives a new 
line without quitting the existing paragraph.

Second solution which is worth implementing if you do lots of that stuff, is to create different 
styles. I have a 'list1' style for the first item in a list to give additional headspace. 
'ListCont' style for all the following list items with close spacing. 'ListEnd' style for the last 
item to provide a little extra space after the last entry and before the regular 'text body' style.

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