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You can also places fonts in /home/<username>/.fonts. They will be
available only for that user, but it's easier because there's just one
folder so you don't have to sweat whether you put it in the right

On Sat, 10 Oct 2020 14:07:18 -0700
Girvin Herr <> dijo:

I am using Slackware Linux 14.2 (k4.4.227).

Do you have any font substitutions in LO's Options > LibreOffice >
Replacement table?

Note that "/usr/share/fonts/century-schoolbook/" is not a standard
Xorg font directory. Xorg probably does not have this directory in its
list of font directories to search. That may be why LO cannot find it.
I found it in "/usr/share/fonts/100dpi/" as ncen*.pcf.gz. It is listed
in the fonts.dir plain text file in that directory. If the font path
is not in the X font directory search list, then X cannot supply it to
LO. I suggest to place it in the correct directory or add the
century-schoolbook directory to X's font directory list. To do that,
if you have an xorg.conf file (/etc/X11/xorg.conf YMMV), look for the
"FontPath" entries and add your path to it.

Another option is to run the font database manager, but I use that so
little, I have forgotten how to do it.

I just checked and discovered my LibreOffice does not have
Century Schoolbook listed either. However, my Apache OpenOffice 4.1.6
does have a "Century Schoolbook L" font listed. This implies that even
if the font is in the correct directory, as in my case, LO is omitting
it for some reason. Are you sure there is no entry in your font
replacement table?
So, another option might be to install AOO and see if that works
better for you.


Girvin Herr

On 10/10/20 12:34 PM, John wrote:
I have a several chapters of a book that were originally composed
using an earlier version of LibreOffice using what I believe was the
"Century Schoolbook" font.  Now when I call them in for editing, the
font is shown in italics as "Times New Roman" with the note "The
current font is not available and will be substituted".

This is giving me a serious problem since the book contains many
drawings and framed images and these get re-flowed due to the
difference in the absolute height of the font being substituted. In
some cases the drawings are pages away from their correct location
and have to be towed back, which is time consuming and creates some
other problems too.

I checked and the Century Schoolbook font is installed where
expected; in the /usr/share/fonts/century-schoolbook/ directory.

I have not been able to figure out which font is being used for the
substitution, nor why the correct font cannot be found.

Can anyone help?

     Linux Fedora 32 - workstation

I am on a back level of Libre Office because we have hundreds of line
drawings in use in the .eps format that is no longer supported by LO
on newer releases.

Thanks in advance for any help!



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