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Was looking for options on this, but haven't found exactly what I'm 
looking for.
Closest I've found is Ctrl + ; that inserts current date
and Ctrl + Shift + ; that inserts the current time. 
Both seem to be the fixed value?

But have found no way to do that in a formula??

Recall long ago in either Lotus or Quattro, you could use now() and then 
{Calc} and it would convert the current time to the fixed value. But that 
was long long ago. Macro recorder doesn't seem to record that kind of 
stuff, and entering formulas don't either.

On 3 Oct 2020 at 10:31, Michael Manning wrote:

From:                   Michael Manning <>
Date sent:              Sat, 3 Oct 2020 10:31:58 +1000
Subject:                Re: [libreoffice-users] Static vs. dynamic time
To:                     LibreOffice <>

When I have needed a static date or time in Libreoffice Calc, I have found
that the only way to do this is to enter the date or time directly into the
spreadsheet and not to use a formula.

As an example of this, I have been using Calc to measure the drift of
timepieces compared to a time standard at weekly intervals over a 26 week
period.  I pre-enter the dates at which the measurements are to be made.
At the required date, I simply enter the time as shown on the timepiece and
the time as shown on the time standard at the same instance.  These times
are then converted to seconds and the difference between in seconds is then
calculated and charted to show the time drift.  These times and dates are
static and can be used for later referral.

I am not sure if there is a way to use a formula or macro to enter a static
date.  If there is, it is beyond my capabilities.  Entering dates and times
directly seems very straightforward to me.


On Fri, 2 Oct 2020 at 19:41, Chimel <> wrote:


I use the formula IF(A1<>"";NOW()) copied to every cell of column B.
It gives me the correct time every time I type anything on a line of column
But this is refreshed constantly by the time of the computer, not the time
typed something in column A.
I tried looking for a static version of NOW() or playing with iterations
(probably not correctly) or looking for a way to stop recomputing this
specific column to no avail.
Is there a way to set on column B the time of the typing on each line of
column A and keep it as a static time.

I am usually good with formulas, but this very basic need escapes me.
As far as usability is concerned, a STATICNOW() function seems much more
useful than the current NOW() function. Or inserting a 0,1 argument for
staticness or something.
So far, I am forced to type or insert the time manually each time.
Let me repeat it: Manually each time! Me!  ;)


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 Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor (Retired)                    
 Guam - Where America's Day Begins                        
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