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On 2020-08-02 12:46, Office User wrote:
On 02/08/2020 15:34, Luuk wrote:
On 2-8-2020 13:06, User wrote:
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to view your document, because the Google
dictatorship would not allow me to see it without creating one of their
malware accounts. ...

Malware is something COMPLETELY different ...

If you create such an account (i do not say you have to ), you still
have the possibility to only use it under 'special' circumstances.

Malware is something which gets used without permission(s)


Under no circumstances whatsoever will you ever lecture me about
whatever terminology I choose to use.

You obviously lack the intellect to comprehend what was meant by my
reference to Google.

Your commentary is both unnecessary, unwelcome.

I ask that you never again respond to anything I post to this list and
any attempt at private contact will be ignored.

Please let this be an end to this thread.

Sorry, Dave, but it should not end there: AFAICS (and if you see differently, please say how), Luuk 
has done nothing but try to help. He gave a solution to your problem (maybe not quite optimal, but 
one that you adopted in the end) and tried to show you how to access Michael's Google Drive file 
(which as inadvertently posted without public read privilege; as it happens, even if you had a 
Google account, you would have still needed to request to see the file).

OK, I get it: you don't like Google. That is your right. FWIW, I use my account rarely (never mail 
from it, and all mail to it forwards directly my regular email account), but the account is 
occasionally useful for taking advantage of Google services like collaboration tools (when 
initiated by others) or correcting Google browsing tag errors. That's all Luuk was trying to say: 
you don't have to let Google into your life to make use of some handy tools they offer. As he put 

If you create such an account (i do not say you have to ), you still have the possibility to only 
use it under 'special' circumstances.

Does that helpful hint warrant the kind of abuse you just delivered -- especially after he helped 
solve your problem?


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