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On 12/24/2017 05:42 PM, Girvin Herr wrote:
Your posting brought back a faint memory of that sidebar. I squashed 
it long ago when it was first introduced and haven't seen it since. I 
had to bring up AOO and check for it. You can squash it with the 
little icon on the left margin of the sidebar. There are < and > icons 
that expand or squash the sidebar respectively. Yes, when squashed 
there is still a bit of wasted main window on the right side for these 
icons, but that is the sacrifice for options.
Girvin Herr

Thanks for the tip, but unfortunately, I need the sidebar because that 
is where the styles list resides, which I use extensively. My problem is 
that it resides with several other things (Properties, Gallery, and 
Navigator, although Navigator can still be placed by itself as a 
separate sidebar). When I load a new document, or even an existing 
document, the sidebar defaults to Properties, which I don't want. I want 
Styles, so I have to click on the Styles icon to get the sidebar list I 
want. If I could set the Styles list as the default sidebar, or if the 
sidebar would remember my last list for new documents, I would be happy. 
As it is, I have to take extra steps to get what I want.

As I type this, I realize what a whiner I am. Geeze, I have to click on 
an icon to get what I want. One click. On one icon. It takes less than a 

How spoiled I have become in my use of technology.

Merry Christmas y'all.


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