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On 12/23/2017 10:26 AM, John Jason Jordan wrote:
At this point I should also add that there has long been a bug with
floating toolbars on all Linux installations that I know of - that is,
if you have a toolbar floating it defeats the normal focus actions of
the Linux X-windows GUI. An example would make this more clear. Let us
suppose that I have only one Writer document window open on the screen.
While working on it I discover that I need to use another program, e.g.,
Firefox, so I switch to a Firefox window, leaving the Writer document
on the screen. The Firefox window will come up on top of the Writer
document, as it should, but when I later minimize the Firefox window I
see the Writer document is now completely visible again, but focus has
not been restored to it. And that means that clicking on its icon in the
Xfce panel will not minimize it until I click on the window to restore
its focus. Also, when I later restore a Writer document window quite
often the floating formatting toolbar fails to appear. I can go into
View > Toolbars and I see that it is still checked, but to get it back I
have to un-check it, then re-check it. And when I restore a document to
the screen by clicking on it in the Xfce panel it comes up on the
screen, but again without focus. I wish there was a hotkey to open the
Formatting toolbar, like F11 for the Styles toolbar, but I can't find
one. I tried to create one, but I failed.

I have lived with this bug since forever, with all versions on OO and
now LO. I was hoping that this would have finally been fixed in the new
LO 5.4, but it remains unchanged. And a few years ago I asked on one of
these lists and after much discussion I tracked the problem down to my
floating toolbars, that is, if none of my floating toolbars are on the
screen the document window takes focus as it should, like all other
application windows. Also, the problem is specific to each individual
document window, e.g., as I write this I have three Writer documents
open, I closed the floating toolbars on one of them and that window then
took focus properly, but I left the toolbars on the other two
documents and they still did not take focus properly.

I, too, use xfce4 and this window focus problem might not be an LO issue. I use several other apps and have experienced this frustrating focus problem with them too. I usually don't notice it until after I type some text and discover the text is not showing up in the window I expected. It would be an interesting datapoint if someone in this forum who uses KDE or another Linux desktop would confirm or deny they experience it with those desktops.

Girvin Herr

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