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if you have this problem in version 5.4.0 only, do remember that use
the version that its third digit is 6!
the versions that there third digit is 0, are unfortunately unstable
and have many bugs!
hope that help, God bless you!

On 9/27/17, Rich Shepard <> wrote:
On Wed, 27 Sep 2017, Tim-L wrote:

I just checked my list of TTF fonts with what LibreOffice sees and can
use.  I have ones that are icon/glyph "letters" that do not have anything
to do with Latin or other letter styles.  Those TTF fonts work fine.


   I'll look in the TTF directory and see what I have.

I currently use LO on an Ubuntu 16.04LTS laptop - the laptop I am
typing from. I do not think any Win10 or Ubuntu partition/system is still
running versions lower than 5.2.1.

   Since I run neither Microsoft nor a Ubuntu this does not apply. I've run
Slackware the past 14 years. Current LO version is 5.4.1.



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