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On 09/28/2017 03:38 AM, zed wrote:
I've been very interested in the discussion of the problems users are
having in LO5.4.1.2 not reading fonts. Someone mentioned that he had
converted a font to one LO had no trouble finding, So I thought I would
try and do the same .

Downloaded FontForge with the purpose of converting Garamond Adobe fonts
to a format which LO can read.

When I open the Garamond fonts in Font Forge they are displayed


Clicking on any one of them displays an edit window and I presume that I
should be able to convert each to something other than .pfb but have no
idea how to do it.

I have looked at several utube videos but they do not cover conversion
from one font type to another, concentrating upon creating new fonts.  I
tried to access the fontforge website but after some twenty minutes of
waiting for it to load, without success, I gave up.

All advice would be welcome, as the Garamond font is used for my business

I just tried Fontforge using Ubuntu 16.04/MATE.

In opened a TTF font and went to File > Generate Fonts.  I looked at the option "buttons" and choose to make it an OTF one. All I had to do after that was to save the font.
The process gave me some errors, but the resulting font looked the 
same.  Since I used a font that was decorative one, so it was not a 
"standard" font.  I think that was what the errors were about.
I do have the Adobe font collection in "storage", but I never used Type 
1 fonts so I could not test Fontforge with that type of font.
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