On Sat, 23 Sep 2017 05:17:01 -0700
"John R. Sowden" <jsowden@americansentry.net> wrote:
A few months ago, I asked about printing envelopes. All I got was
explaining how LO does it. Finally someone said LO only prints one
envelope for one document, not 100 envelopes with a custom return
well, i found the solution, in a program that I have been running for
about 2 years with great success, glabels. instead of a label, there
is an option for a #10 envelope. glabels works great. I have been
using it to print large mailing labels on 9x12 document envelopes.
hope this helps someone else,
I just looked at installing it, but it wants to install 13 dependencies
including two to get weather information (?!), two for geocoding (?!)
and nine for the Evolution Data Server, whatever that is. I can't see
why any of those should be necessary to print labels, so I won't be
installing it. Thanks for suggesting it though, it may help others.
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