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On Sat, 2017-09-16 at 18:31 +0200, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Harvey,

But shouldn't the CONCAT( ' & ', [Partnervorname] ), '' ) actually
return a NULL due to the '' (i.e. not a space, zero length)?

NULL: There is nothing inside, no string, no number, no data ...
Empty: Could only be for strings - nothing to see, but its a string
zero length.

Base will save for default all fields without content as NULL, not as
fields, which are empty. The difference: You could concatenate empty
fields with content of other fields without problems, because it
recognizes an empty string. With NULL it won't work.

The Help in LibreOffice and the GUI is missleading here, because Base
won't save fields as empty fields but as NULL.



Thanks, Robert. I had a feeling that would be the answer. Many thanks
for helping me to clear that up. Your proposed syntax is certainly more
economical than the COALESCE alternative.


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