On 9/4/17 8:29 PM, Ken Springer wrote:
OX X 10.11.6 El Capitan
I'm working with the first of multiple files that will be located on a
Windows 8.1 computer. That computer and my Mac are both hardwired to a
LO seems to have an issue opening the document at the beginning of a
work session.
Start Windows 8.1.
Start OS X.
Wait until the Mac has recognized and connected to 8.1.
Start LO to the Start Center. The file I want is listed, but when I
click on it, I get the message the file does not exist. Even though I
know it does exist.
If I click on Open File, I can then navigate to the W8.1 computer, and
drill down to the folder where the file is and load it.
Even better, I have the folder that contains the file in the Finder's
Sidebar. Click on the folder, it opens and I can load the file I want.
Has anyone else seen this?
Rather disappointing there was no response. :-(
But it seems the problem is worse than I described.
The hard drive in this iMac is partitioned into two partitions. LO's
Startcenter can't open a file that's on the 2nd partition, either.
Mac OS X 10.11.6
Firefox 53.0.2 (64 bit)
Thunderbird 52.0
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