On Fri, 2017-09-15 at 22:46 +0200, Robert Großkopf wrote:
Hi Harvey,
I have a backend Mariadb 10 which I access directly using the using
MySQL connector.
All right. With MariaDB (and MySQL) the two pipes (||) dont work.
But something like
SELECT CONCAT("Vorname, ' ',IFNULL("Partnervorname",' '),"Nachname")
"Name" FROM "Table"
should work.
Hi Robert,
you are right it works with CONCAT, but, isn't CONCAT inconsistent
This seems to work as desired:
CONCAT( [Vorname], IFNULL( CONCAT( ' & ', [Partnervorname] ), '' ), '
', [Nachname] )
But shouldn't the CONCAT( ' & ', [Partnervorname] ), '' ) actually
return a NULL due to the '' (i.e. not a space, zero length)?
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