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At 00:59 25/08/2017 +0200, Dennis Heuer wrote:
I don't come clear with LibreOffice. No matter what I try, I end in a paragraph - as paragraphs are kind of swiss-knives in LibreOffice.

Swiss Army knives have many uses: are you just saying that paragraphs have wide application?!

For example, I inserted a line-break into a list entry.

You mean here a proper bulleted or numbered list?

The text was justified. The rule was that the last line stays left-adjusted. However, the line-break is only visually shifting text. In result, the visual text block below the line-break is left-adjusted at the last line but the text block atop the line-break is stretched. What can I do?

Your problem here is that the items in a list are normally separate, single paragraphs. But you want one list item to have multiple paragraphs. You know that if you press Enter to create a paragraph break you will start a new list item, which you don't want. So you are trying a line break (Shift+Enter) instead. That - quite understandably, I'd suggest - creates the problem you describe: that's what you'd want to happen if you really did want a line break.

Instead, you really must create the paragraph break by pressing Enter in the normal way. Now your problem is just how to tell LibreOffice that you don't want this to signal a new list item. There is an easy way to do this: just press Backspace immediately after Enter. The bullet or number is removed, along with the tab character, and your new paragraph becomes part of the existing list item instead. Subsequent numbered items are renumbered.

You don't need to do this immediately: you can achieve this effect at any time just by pressing Backspace, providing you have the cursor at the beginning of your new paragraph.

I trust this helps.

Brian Barker

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