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I was looking at some old PDF pages I printed up from web pages about 
color palettes and designing web pages.  Went back to a site I had not 
looked at for nearly a year.
I noticed one color list - nearly 1000 they say, and some eye popping 
and/or weird names listed.
The site gave this quote "These hex values are non official approximate 
values intended to simulate the colors in HTML". With some of the names 
I saw, you better be vague.
Here are a few of the weird color names.

Right after babyblue, babygreen, and babypink, are the first few like;

ab9004 - "babypoo"
937c00 - "babypoop"
8f9805 - "babypoopgreen"
b6c406 - "babypukegreen"

then things like "barfgreen", "bluewithahintofpurple",
[skipping over a lot of dark, light, dirty, deep, dusky, and on, and on]
then in the beginning of the 23rd page of 23 is

a2a415 - "vomit"
89a203 - "vomitgreen"
c7c10c - "vomityellow"

I really do not want to make a color palette file with such names as these listed in the file itself.
Then there is one list that have the following [each line a different 
Hex code];
  Coast Guard Deck Red
  DoT Highway Red
  OSHA Safety Red, DoT Red
  OSHA Safety Red
  Insignia Red
  OSHA Safety Red
  Post Office Red
  Coast Guard Buoy Red
  Coast Guard Red #40
and goes on like that for almost 20 pages.

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