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For the record, and in case this helps someone else:

1) I downgraded further to version 5.2.5 and the macro is working again.

2) After I downgraded to 5.2.5 I realized there are two LibreOffice profiles
in this PC, and when I was testing 5.2.7 I was restoring my macros file in
the wrong one. So I think the macro will probably work fine in both 5.2.5
and 5.2.7 (not in the 5.3 series)

Thank you Regina for pointing me in the right direction.

Best regards.

hqxnet wrote
JFYI, I dowgraded to 5.2.7 but the problems seems to persist. 
I did  it in a hurry so I need to look deeper to confirm it and eventually
test previous versions (portable ones this time :/ )

I´ll post back when I have something solid to share.


Regina Henschel wrote

hqxnet schrieb:

Thank you for the reply!

From your bug report I understand that, as a workaround, I could
to 5.2.x and my macro will (at leat probably) run again.

Is that correct?


Yes, version 5.2.7 act the old way. But I would not "downgrade" but I 
would make an administrative installation or use a portable version. On 
which operating system do you work?

Kind regards

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