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On 08/20/2017 02:16 AM, Doug Hutcheson wrote:

version LO 1: and found it does not recognise the Basic libraries 

Assuming that is a typo for LibO 5.3.5, then that would be the more
stable, and bug free version.

If you don't like surprises, then stick with the "still" version, and
only install when the third digit is "3", or higher.  IE: 5.3.3, 5.4.3,
6.0.3, etc.

If you can tolerate surprises, but want reasonable stability, then stick
with the fresh version, upgrading only when the third digit is "1", or
higher.  IE: 5.4.1, 6.0.1, etc,

If you can tolerate surprises, and don't mind being in the herd, then
install "fresh", when the third digit is "0". IE: 5.4.0, 6.0.0, etc.

If you like living on the bleeding edge, download the nightly builds.
This is only recommended for those who can afford the time it takes to
completely wipe, and the reformat their hard drive, and re-install
everything, because something in the nightly build screwed everything on
their system up.


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