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for sure, is the last version which is up to date and maybe
the most stable version until now.
you dont need to change anything, or move your current setting to the
newer version of libreoffice.
after you upgrade your version of libreoffice, the settings are
transfered to the newer version without need your action.
hope that help and God bless you.

On 8/20/17, Doug Hutcheson <> wrote:
I hve been using LODev for some time and it has been great.
Out of interest, I installed my distro (Fedora 26) version LO
1: and found it does not recognise the Basic libraries I
created in Dev, although the Writer module has different (newer?)
options in the tool bar. The question is, which version should I be
sticking with? If 1:, what is the best way of migrating my macro
libraries and dialogs?
Kind regards,
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