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On Wed, 16 Aug 2017 00:50:14 +0200
Regina Henschel <> wrote:

Hi Dennis,

Second, I cannot delete a list point with the backspace key
(markation still works)

Using backspace means, that you get a further paragraph, which
belongs to the same list item. In my suggestion it would mean, that a
person can have two adjacent paragraphs with the same indent, without
repeating the name.

using backspace twice normally leads to the end of the previous list
item. But in my case, I was just stuck. The current list item just
didn't disappear...

Further fiddling just destroyed all normal behaviour

However, ten levels are too few for a storyboard

How many persons do you need?

Depending on the project. Think of a movie with lots of secondary actors
like "customer1..., or zombie1... (in some movies they speak)"...

Kind regards

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Dennis Heuer

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