Hello, and many thanks!
On Wed, 16 Aug 2017 00:53:18 +0200
Gabriele Ponzo <gponzo@gmail.com> wrote:
Indeed this is the right and canonical way to do that (as I use to
teach :)
You're right! Today it works. I guess that I managed to misconfigure
something else with some definitely buggy side-effect. For example,
this time I had a line with "default style" left below my part with the
"new style". I sucked it up with the delete key so that never anymore
LibreOffice showed "default style" in the toolbar. However, even though
it showed "new style", the tabs and the indention were gone for that
line. A second markation as "new style" did correct this issue. I found
tons of those bugs everywhere. Quite messy state LibreOffice is into....
However, many thanks! You made my day!
Dennis Heuer
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