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Le 27/07/2017 à 22:09, amaloney a écrit :

Hi Al,

I have reported this as a recurrent bug - Bug 86838
When attempting to print a Writer portrait document, it prints rotated 90
degrees (= landscape).

This occurs with 5.3.5.X and 5.4.0.x

Does anyone have a similar problem?

For those users who don't care to read through the whole shebang of
comments on that bug report :

- it appears to affect only Mac OSX;

- it appears to affect only those users for whom the locale-based
default page setting is Letter - in other words, mainly US and Canadian
(not sure what the default page size is in Canada?) based users;

- it mainly seems to show up with Brother and HP printers.

Reports from users corresponding to the above much appreciated.


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