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Le 05/07/2017 à 01:20, Girvin Herr a écrit :

Hi Girvin,

Now that I upgraded to LO from LO 5.1.6, every time I try to log
in to Mariadb to access my database, LO crashes hard. This worked fine
in 5.1.6 and it still works now in OpenOffice 4.1.3. I checked the Java
config under Options and it is fine. I tried deleting the profile
directory and starting from scratch. It still crashed. LO also crashes
when I use the "Test Connection" button in the database configuration
dialog to try to log in to Mariadb.

Any ideas before I return to 5.1.6?

Could be several things, although off the cuff, LO5.2.x was known to
crash in certain circumstances with JDKu112, so either:
- revert back to LO5.1.x or else
- try updating your JDK to a much more recent one and see if that makes
a difference with LO5.2.x, or else
- move to LO5.3.x and a current JDK.

Why do I mention a Java problem ? Because the devs changed the version
number recognition pattern for JDK/JVM instantiation somewhere between
5.1 and 5.2, and this is what caused crashing for some. This was fixed
in 5.3. Of course, it could all be specific to your Slackware setup...


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