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Your suggestion worked perfectly even in an old 3 version!

I'm replacing my old version 3.1 with the latest at

*Thank you so much!*



Date: Thu, 25 May 2017 21:18:34 +0100
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] Libre Writer - go to a certain page in a
text document

In LibreOffice 5.3.0 on Windows, either Ctrl+G or Ctrl+Shift+F5 opens a "Go
to page" dialog where you can type a page number and hit Enter to jump to
that page. I don't think it could be much quicker than that.

In LibreOffice 5.1.6 on Linux Mint, Ctrl+G does nothing and Ctrl+Shift+F5
opens the Navigator as you describe.

It looks like both versions bind Ctrl+Shift+F5 to Navigate > Go to Page,
but the older version uses the Navigator for that while the newer version
has a separate dialog (and also binds Ctrl+G by default). If you just want
Ctrl+G to do what Ctrl+Shift+F5 currently does (using Navigator) you should
be able to add that keyboard binding at Tools > Customise > Keyboard.


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