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Le 25/05/2017 à 22:36, foo fighter a écrit :

I need help to submit a bug report.

In Version 5.2.7 I can reproduce an unhandled exception (program crash) by a undo and redo after 
having moved rows

In Version 5.2.6-2 doing this does not crash, but having moved rows and eddited cells, undo redo 
undo redo commands leads to changes in wrong rows (corrupting data).

(I am using debian jessie and stretch)

Any developer who can hold my hand in order to give all info for a quialified bug report (in order 
to have it reproduceable on the devoloper site)?

Before filling a bug report, you should check if the bug is not already reported. There is lot of bug reports with the word "undo" in its summary:

For example, this one:
Doing a few undo-redo cycle of deletion of a row with comment crashes Calc

Best regards

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