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On 07.05.2017 20:01, Philip Jackson wrote:
On 06/05/17 23:17, V Stuart Foote wrote:
Input the character via its Unicode value, and toggle.

So, here enter "U+211e" and then use <l-Alt>+X to toggle.
Thank you Stuart for the key to the toggle.  I've wondered how to enter
unicode characters for a long time. And have tried all the ctrl-shift +U
stuff suggested so often but with absolutely no success.

Yours is the first time I've seen mention of <left-alt>+X and it works
for me a treat.  I don't even have to enter the U+ part of the unicode.
It works with just 211e <leftAlt>+X.

That's interesting. If I try every possible combination of this method
with Writer under Win 7, all I get is a lower case x. It this something
peculiar to Linux or OSX?

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