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The hexidecimal unicodes can also be used in Windows with a registry edit:
   Add HKEY_Current_User/Control Panel/Input Method, set EnableHexNumpad to
   If adding use New > String Value, Type = REG_SZ.

After the registry change
   Press & hold Alt; Press '+' on number pad; enter code; release Alt.

Probably a web search would provide a better explanation.
The main thing is that the same codes can be used on both platforms.

On Sat, May 6, 2017 at 12:38 PM, Dave <> wrote:

On 06.05.2017 17:38, charles meyer wrote:
In MS Word the prescription symbol is 211E.

In special characters I typed in 211E in the Decimal box but did not get
the prescription symbol.

Aren’t hexicodes standard so Libre Writer should match MS Word?

Is there a quick way when you’re in a document you can type something
hold down the Alt key and type in 211 on the numeric pad and get the
prescription symbol?

Not using a search engine (Google, Yahoo), is there a way in Libre Writer
to type in the words “prescription symbol” and it will find the symbol?

Or when you’re looking for an unusual symbol, you must Google it to
ascertain it’s hexicode unicode, etc.?

Otherwise, you’d had to scroll through every symbol chart to find it.



See the answer to your question here:

Basically, Writer (just like Word) uses the fonts installed on your
system. If the font you are using contains the required character,
Writer will display the 211E symbol in exactly the same way as Word.

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