Input the character via its Unicode value, and toggle. So, here enter "U+211e" and then use <l-Alt>+X to toggle. A <l-Alt>+X anywhere in a document will show the Unicode value for that character. Of the fonts installed with LibreOffice, just DejaVu Sans includes the ℞ (U+211E - Prescription Take) glyph. In addition to the Unicode toggle mechanism, LibreOffice provides the Special Character dialog picker. For any given font it will show the "coverage" of the font. Enhancement at some point should also include composite font, and identification of font containing a glyph--just not there yet. 'Til then use another character map program like BableMap to display coverage and identify fonts with Unicode glyphs. =-ref-= -- View this message in context: Sent from the Users mailing list archive at -- To unsubscribe e-mail to: Problems? Posting guidelines + more: List archive: All messages sent to this list will be publicly archived and cannot be deleted