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2017-04-20 16:23 GMT+02:00 Ian Whitfield <>:

The first one is the Default Font - I have battled with this for some time
now and discussed it on the Forum and tried ALL the suggestions but can not
get rid of 'Liberation Serif' as the default!! This should be a quick
change in the 'Tools > Options' Menu but it is not!!
Why is this so difficult and how do you do it??!!

Second in the last few days on a new fresh install of LibreOffice' on
another machine I find the Page Size is set to 'Letter" an American
standard not used by the rest of the World!! How do you change this to
'A4"?? Again it should be a basic change in the same 'Options' Menu like
most other Programs have.

​I don't know if this qualifies as "difficult", ​but it requires you to
change your "default" template.
If it's the first time, since you likely can't edit the hardcoded one,
you'll have to create a new, editable template. The easiest way to do this
is to edit the default one.

- Open the template manager: on the welcome screen click on the arrow
besides "Templates", then select the manage templats option
- Right click on the default template, then "edit".
- At this point, the template is read-only; click the button on top to
enable modifications

​You can now modify everything you want. In you case, you want to look at
the "Default Style" style to change most of the fonts. But note that some
styles (maybe headers, I'm not sure) define their own fonts, so you might
want to change them too.

Same thing apply to the page style. You can edit the "default page" style,
or create a new one and change it there.

Finally, you have to save your new template (menu File -> Templates -> Save
as template). At this point, you'll see a checkbox to make this the new
"default" template. If you check it, every new document created without
manually selecting a template will use this one.

As a side note, it might be more interesting to actually not save this new
template as the default one, and to manually choose it from the list of
available templates; this gives greater flexibility, and allow having
multiple templates for different situations (beside styling, you can also
put text in a template, etc.).

Cley Faye

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