Hi All
I have a MAJOR problem setting some defaults in LibreOffice!!
The first one is the Default Font - I have battled with this for some
time now and discussed it on the Forum and tried ALL the suggestions but
can not get rid of 'Liberation Serif' as the default!! This should be a
quick change in the 'Tools > Options' Menu but it is not!!
Why is this so difficult and how do you do it??!!
Second in the last few days on a new fresh install of LibreOffice' on
another machine I find the Page Size is set to 'Letter" an American
standard not used by the rest of the World!! How do you change this to
'A4"?? Again it should be a basic change in the same 'Options' Menu like
most other Programs have.
In both cases I'm working with LO ver both running PClinuxOS 64-bit.
Any help would be appreciated.
Pretoria RSA
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- [libreoffice-users] Setting Defaults · Ian Whitfield
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