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Greetings Tom,

I can attest that Base works well with MySQL/Mariadb (M/M). I understand that Base still requires the Java Connector (mysql-connector-java) to talk M/M to the server (aka "Back End"). At least that is how I still have Base configured. There was talk of a "native" Base driver for MySQL, but to my knowledge, that has not been deployed to date.


On 04/06/2017 10:27 AM, Tom Davies wrote:
Hi :)
Ok, so is it just SQLite that is an odd exception or was the general 'rule'
i gave completely wrong?

I'm under the impression that Base works well with Postgresql,
MySQL/MariaDb, Hsqldb (as an external back-end), Firebird and many/most(??)
others? Also that the kinda default way iof using Base is to use some
external back-end - despite an internal one being hastily thrown on years
ago in order to downgrade Base to be more like Access?

Regards from
Tom :)

On 6 April 2017 at 17:48, toki <> wrote:

On 04/06/2017 07:05 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:

the main problem with SQLite in relation to its use in LO is its lack of
strong data typing

Data typing and SQLite are mutually exclusive concepts.

in SQLite, which doesn't bode well when trying to determine whether the
string is a date, a timestamp, a large number, or some other kind of
As far as SQLite is concerned, there is no difference between an
integer, and an mp4 video file.

For those who don't pay attention to what they are doing, such things
can have unexpected, and occasionally undesirable results.

There is that fringe minority, that sees such data ambiguity as a virtue.


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