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Rebooting!!! Of course. I do it so often, that it never occurred to me to think of it as a 
solution. I'm currently running Mint 18 on my Sony laptop and it often gives me strange behavior 
when it wakes up from sleep mode so I reboot about every other day. It's just my new normal.


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: John Jason Jordan <>
Date: 3/31/17 3:18 PM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO won't open - claims is corrupt

On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 17:17:30 +0100
Tom Davies <> dijo:

Renaming the user-profile will remove all the add-ons but it's
probably a good idea anyway.
Copying the from the working computer was brilliant imo,
as was trying to rename the previous one to see what happened.  I
wonder if renaming the whole folder that is in might make
LO regenerate the whole of that sub-folder?
Some sort of reinstall might dislodge something and fix it but
generally reinstalling tends to keep the user-profile (incl
Extensions/add-ons) intact so it might not do anything useful for this.
So unless Brian or Regina or someone like that weighs in then going for
Virgil's idea is likely to be the best 'first' step.  You can always
rename the user-profile (or chunks of it) back.
Good luck and regards from Tom :)
Thanks to Tom and everyone else who offered suggestions. I finally bit
the bullet and restarted the computer (I hate that because I have so
many things going on). Afterwards the problem was solved except for the file (my renaming). Writer happily opened the 'corrupt'
documents and, after I renamed back to it
opens without bitching about the missing file.

All is right in my world again. And as if it was a sign from the
computer gods, as soon as the problem was resolved the morning clouds
parted and the sun came out. Now I'm going for a walk to celebrate my
victory over evil bugs.

I do wish I knew what happened to cause this. It would be good to let
the devs know, but alas, this will probably remain a mystery.

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