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I had the same error on the last 3.x.x version and once on an early 4.x.x version.

I know that renaming the user profile [Ubuntu 64-bit 12.xx and 14.xx] back then was the only way it removed the error[s]. I still rename the profile when I get errors that I cannot fix. Latest was on Ubuntu MATE 16.04 with 5.2.3 or was it 5.2.4.

Remember, if you reinstall LO, you still will have the same profile, unless you rename it.

Thanks Virgil.  People need to be reminded about this simple fix.

For John. . .
I hope you have a backup for your 4TB drive that is almost out of warranty. I have had three internal 2TB drives go bad since 2010. I keep them backed up with USB drives. My desktop has three 2TB internal and three external 2TB USB backup drives. For whatever reason, I do not "trust" 3TB, 4TB or even the new-ish 6TB and 8TB drives - even though a 4TB drive costs not much more than a 2TB one.

On 03/31/2017 10:21 AM, Virgil Arrington wrote:
Before nuking everything, have you tried renaming the entire user profile. It should be a folder called "4". 
Rename it "4-old". Then restart LO. It will create a new user profile folder. You'll lose any custom 
settings, but you'll at least know if that's your problem.


Sent from my Verizon, Samsung Galaxy smartphone

-------- Original message --------
From: John Jason Jordan <>
Date: 3/31/17 3:28 AM (GMT-05:00)
Subject: Re: [libreoffice-users] LO won't open - claims is corrupt

On Fri, 31 Mar 2017 00:11:10 -0700
John Jason Jordan <> dijo:

On Thu, 30 Mar 2017 23:05:44 -0700
John Jason Jordan <> dijo:

OK, I didn't go to bed yet and tried a couple more things.
One more thing, and then I'm really going to bed.

With Writer open (ignoring the missing file warning on
opening it), I opened the .abw Abiword file and then went to save it as
a normal .odt file. This produced the error message:

         "Error saving the document <filename>: Write Error.
         Error in writing sub-document content.xml.

I hope by tomorrow morning this will all become clear and a solution
will be at hand. :)

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