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If I understand what Alex is saying, see if one of the two listed below will work. (taken from Garamond Wikipedia)
        EB Garamond

Released in 2011 by Georg Duffner, EB Garamond is a free software <> version of Garamond released under the Open Font License <> and available through Google Fonts <>. Duffner based the design on a specimen printed by Egelnoff-Berner in 1592, with italic and Greek characters based on Robert Granjon's work, as well as the addition of Cyrillic characters and OpenType features such as swash italic capitals and schoolbook <> alternates <>.^[104] <> It is intended to include multiple optical sizes, as of 2014 including fonts based on the 8 and 12 point forms on the 1592 specimen. It has been described as "one of the best open source fonts" by prominent typeface designer Erik Spiekermann <>.^[105] <>
        URW++ Garamond No. 8

Garamond No. 8 is a freeware version of Garamond contributed by URW++ <> to the Ghostscript <> project, based on Stempel Garamond.^[h] <> Featuring a bold weight, small capitals, optional text figures <> and automatic ligature insertion, it is particularly popular in the TeX <> community and is also included on some Linux <> distributions.^[107] <> Originally released as a PostScript Type 1, it has been converted into the TrueType format, usable by most current software.^[108] <> It is distributed under the AFP license <>, which allows it to be used freely (without support) but not sold or have its distribution charged for.^[109] <>

On 2/27/2017 5:24 AM, Alexander Thurgood wrote:
Le 23/02/2017 à 19:42, A. den Oudsten a écrit :

Hi Andre,

I use OpenSUSE Tumbleweed.
In the new version of LibreOffice is a shortage of fonts. I can choose
104 fonts from the 171 available of my system fonts. So I missed - of
course - my favorate Classical Garamond.
´the asked font is not available and will be replaced´ is the only
message I get.

If the fonts in question are PS Type1, then they are no longer supported
in LibreOffice 5.3 - support was dropped for Type1 postscript fonts in
this release.


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