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On 02/21/2017 02:56 AM, Ian Whitfield wrote:

It's no wonder some people leave LO for other programs!!
Like all software that offers users options, some learning of how to use
the program is required.

I understand why software learning is not done --- skill testing either
ignores, or actively penalizes those who have learned "advanced", more
efficient ways of doing things, than using mouse clicks. Furthermore,
the more efficient way can look scary, and scary is an anathema to PHBs.
Nonetheless, learning how to use one's tools effectively, and
efficiently should remain standard practice, no matter the
discombobulation to both designers of skill rating tests, and PHBs.

But thank you all for trying - appreciated. (back to the repetitive manual method I guess!!!!!)
Why would you rather do the same sequence of actions every time you want
a spreadsheet, than do things once, and be done with it?


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