Hi Piet,
On 2017-02-21 12:31, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
Ian Whitfield wrote:
> Thanks All
> But still no joy!! Why does this have to be so difficult!!?? None of the
> ideas about using the Side-Bar do anything that makes any sense.
> So I thought I would try Paul's idea and try and edit the Default
> Template but I can find no reference in the Drop-Down options in the
> Menu Bar for Templates or Edit Templates. So where do you find this and
> edit it??
> This should be as easy to do as it is in Scribus!!! Why make things so
> difficult??
It had been posted before, but I'll repeat:
(This is LO on Mac)
File > New > Spreadsheet
Side Bar > Styles and Formatting (or Format > Styles > Styles and Formatting)
Cell Styles (icon) > Default
Right Click Modify..
Set your font and font size > OK
File > Templates > Save as Template
Enter a name (e.g. Default), select category "My Templates",
check "Set as default template" > Save
In other versions you might have to do
File > Templates < Manage Templates, Filter Spreadsheets, to set the template as default.
just beat me to it. Quite straight forward but not easily found with
this explanation.
For me in writer I also change the default margins as well as font and
have custom named paragraph styles (to avoid issues copy/pasting between
documents with the same named but different styles).
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- Re: [libreoffice-users] Default font in LO calc (continued)
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