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Doug McNutt wrote:
I have managed to move my finance workbook from a CY 2001 version of
Excel to libre-office-calc.

I had a lot to learn and I'm still frustrated when I want to insert a
few lines of entries from the bank. It's a pain having to do a separate
entry of the number of lines and then paste in contents. But..

Every time I start up the workbook I get a complaint that I'm using
macros and references to another file which is probably where I stored
macro-like commands that I wrote for Excel on the Mac. They used the
Macintosh Programmer's Workshop, MPW, development tools.

I'd like to get rid of the mouse and keystrokes required to startup. I
just say "no" to both but there must be a better way. For those
references there is probably a reference in the 20 worksheets but Mr.
Calc isn't telling me where they are.

Depending how the data is linked, Edit > Links... might help.

As for the macros I'd like to
discard them and rewrite those I really need using your command
structure. But where are they so I can killem?

Is the document saved as .ods or .xls? Saving as .ods might get rid of the Excel macros. If that doesn't help, try Tools > Macros > Organise Macros > LibreOffice Basic > Organiser...; see of there's anything under the spreadsheet in any of the tabs there.


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