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On December 18, 2016 02:30:56 AM Virgil Arrington wrote:
I have rarely used Presentation, but I'm starting to use it more.

When I want to step through several bulleted items in a slide, I 
typically create the first slide with one bullet, and then create a 
duplicate slide and add the new bulleted item to the previous one. I 
create as many duplicate slides as I have bullets.

I'm wondering if there is another way to do this without the need to 
create several slides. If I have 6 bullets, that means creating six 
slides to get the stepping effect through the bullets.

What I'd like to do is create one slide with all six bullets, and then

 tell LO to step through them during my presentation. Is there a way
to do this?
Selecting Custom Animation > Plus button > Entrance > Appear for each 
bullet ought to do the trick. 

When you present, move the mouse cursor to the start of a line and click 
the mouse once to reveal the line.

Bruce Byfield 604.421.7189 (Pacific time)
Writer of "Designing with LibreOffice"

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