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On 16.12.2016 09:46, Gary Collins wrote:
Thanks for reply, Dave. I just tried this and it doesn't seem to work for me. A new style 
with the name is created but it doesn't have the attributes of the selected text, in 
particular font size, font colour. These attributes were apparently set as direct formatting in 
the original doc, which i think was got by cut and paste from a pdf original. I now want to 
convert properly to styles but i don't seem to be able to.
Hi Garry,

So there is something else impacting on the internals of your document.
My guess would be that you have a MS Word formatted document, where the
PDF format has been carried over and embedded into that document. It is
highly unlikely that Writer will be able directly translate that
convoluted structure into one of it's own styles.

Have you tested the method I described with a couple of dummy paragraphs
in a new document? If that works as expected, then your Word document
has the PDF format (probably a text box or frame) embedded in it. The
only solution I have found to overcome this in Writer is to copy and
paste as unformatted text, then format as required. A real pain for a
large document, but it would be almost as problematic in MS Word.


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