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H. @ 2016-11-27 19:00 GMT:

On 11/20/2016 03:13 PM, Ricardo wrote:
El 2016-11-20 14:45, Virgil Arrington escribió:

Since Markdown is a pure text file with formatting marks inserted, you
could easily edit such a file with LO. It sounds like what you're asking
is a way to convert the Markdown file to a LO format. I'm not sure of a
direct way of doing that. You might try Pandoc, an online file converter.

Pandoc can be installed on any system, but only recent versions support ODT, so you need to look 
with version if offered by CentOS


I have installed pandoc and tried to converted two markdown documents to ODT opening them in 
LibreOffice  4.3.7 under CentOS 6.8.

It seems Pandoc modifies the LO styles, setting fonts to Arial, Times Roman etc. which are not 
available in LO. Pandoc also did not assign the default list style to lists, nor did it handle 
tables at all. Although tables are not part of the core markdown they are part of a common 

I would have preferred pandoc to use whatever the style settings are in LO,
not trying to change anything.
Actually it does not work that way; pandoc cannot guess what styles are used
by LibreOffice. If you have written your two documents using markdown they
simply cannot use LibreOffice styles "in advance". I think that what's really
going on with Pandoc is that it has default settings for each type of export
filters. Arial and Times Roman are fairly common fonts and by default
LibreOffice can use them with no problem.

On the other hand, using Markdown in my experience does not really make me
expect to have nicely laid out documents (like with LibreOffice or LATEX for
instance). Markdown is fundamentally a web and transitional format, made to
process text on websites or online documentation. If you are looking for rich
and complex styles I suggest to stick to LibreOffice or other kinds of tools
such as LATEX.


Charles-H. Schulz Co-founder, The Document Foundation, Kurfürstendamm 188, 10707 Berlin 
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