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On 28/10/2016 19:25, CVAlkan wrote:

I've attempted to upload my shell script using the More button; 


heavily commented (as much for my own benefit as anything).

If a script is not commented, then nobody knows what it is supposed to do.

That helps when choosing a font that Writer (hopefully) won't mysteriously replace. Even with the 
ability to set a CTL
language and font, it will be ignored and replaced if the font isn't reporting what it has 

If the font does correctly report what it has, then it shouldn't be

The bad news is that the list of languages/scripts is not comprehensive
(just ones I've happened to look into); the good news is that they're
defined in a "case" statement, so adding some others should be relatively

Give me a week or so to play with it.
I'll probably expand it to include most, if not all writing systems
included in Unicode 9.0:


On second thoughts, it might be easier to rewrite this script in Python,
and add a procedure that inspects each glyph.

* ISO 15924 for writing system codes: Both alpha and numeric codes;
* ISO 639-3 for language codes;
* ISO 3166 for country codes;

Create, and use an SQLite database, with one table for each of the
* Writing systems that are officially implemented in Unicode;
* Writing systems that are unofficially implemented in the Private Plane
* Language or languages associated with each writing system;
* Glyphs that are associated with each writing system;
* Glyphs that are associated with each language;

By using a database, modifications due to Unicode updates is trivial ---
add the new information to the database.


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