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The G in Libertine stands for the Graphite font engine that makes all the extra features available. 
The regular Libertine O font doesn't have these features (or if it does, I haven't figured out how 
to access them).

If you have the Libertine G font, then to gain the features, you add codes to the end of the font 
name in the font selection box. I do this at the level of "Tools/Options/LibreOffice Writer/Basic 

For example, mine looks like this:

Linux Libertine G:onum=1&lith=0&itlc=1&thou=0&pnum=1&ss04=1&ss05=1&litt=0&hang=1

The codes mean the following:

"onum=1" -- Turn on old style numbering

"lith=0" -- Turn off the "Th" ligature

"itlc=1" -- fixes the spacing around italics words.

"thou=0" -- Don't place an extra space between every third 0 in long numbers, 00 000

"pnum=1" -- Turn on proportionally spaced numbering.

"ss04" -- Turn on stylistic alternatives (This one provides a really cool ampersand (&))

"ss05" -- Turn on stylistic alternatives (This one provides a Garamond style upper case W)

"litt=0" -- Allows the splitting of double "t" ligatures "tt" for hyphenation at the end of the 

"hang=1" -- Turn on hanging punctuation. This gives justified margins a really nice professional 
look. Don't bother if your margins aren't justified.

All of the codes can be found at

Sometimes, you want to apply a specific effect to a word or two, such as applying true small caps. 
It can be a pain to type in the code, so there is a Typographic Toolbar extension available that 
places a toolbar on your screen that makes the effects available with a point and click. The 
extension is available at:

At the end of the toolbar is a help button that links back to the "fontfeatures.pdf" site for easy 

If you don't have the Linux Biolinum G fonts, I highly recommend getting them. They can be found at:

I tend to use Libertine for documents that need a professional look. I avoid Times like the plague 
as it wasn't intended for long-term use. It's letters are condensed, which provides for "economy of 
space" in newspapers, for which it was designed, but you will rarely, if ever, find it used in book 
length works. Libertine is nice as it has the same general shape as Times, so it doesn't stand out 
as being too different, but it's not as condensed, making it very readable. I usually set it at 12 
points, which is nice on a letter sized paper document.

You might also check out It's a nice 
article summarizing a lot of the details in Bringhurst's book.

Good luck with your thesis.


On 10/11/2016 6:42 PM, Julian Brooks wrote:
Hi Virgil,

Very interesting info, and the tech details are just what I'm after.

Always wondered what the G in Libertine stood for. Like the different font for headings and text 
body too (currently have just the one font). Agree about underlining and minimal use of italics (is 
that what you mean though?).

I'm in Debian rather than Windows.



On 11 October 2016 at 23:32, Virgil Arrington <<>> 
I developed an interest in typography when I wrote a legal brief for the U.S. Supreme Court and had 
to deal with it's very specific typesetting rules. (Did you know that 11 point Times New Roman 
really *isn't* 11 points? It's slightly smaller and the Court will not accept a brief written in 11 
point Times).

Typographically, layout is more important than font. A bad font well laid out will be more readable 
than a good font badly laid out. In terms of layout, the biggest mistake most people make is having 
text lines too long. With letter sized paper (8.5 x 11), I'll set my left and right margins *at 
least* 1.5 inches each, leaving text lines of 5.5 inches, which is still too long for single spaced 
text. At that length, I'll double space my text. I set a line of 11 to 12 point single spaced text 
set at 5 inches.

As for fonts, I like Linux Libertine G for its extra features (automatic ligatures, old-style 
figures, hanging punctuation). I also like how it matches well with its sans-serif companion, Linux 
Biolinum. I will use Biolinum for headings and Libertine for text. Libertine has the same general 
shape as Times, but is much more readable as it is not as condensed as Times. I don't use more than 
one or two fonts for a document and I avoid overemphasis. Regular italics works nicely. I never 
underline anything.

Other readable fonts are Palatino, Century Schoolbook, and some versions of Garamond. Sadly, if the 
reader notices your font, then the font has failed its purpose. At most, the reader should notice 
that your text is easier to read than someone else's. If you're using a newer version of Windows, 
you may have Sitka Text. I just discovered this font and absolutely love it. While it was designed 
for on-screen use, it prints nicely on my printer.

Many years ago, I bought an outdated copy of WordPerfect. While I don't use the word processor, its 
CD came bundled with hundreds of really good quality Bitstream fonts, which are well worth the cost 
of the CD. Some of my favorites on the Wordperfect CD are Iowan Old Style, Century 731 BT, and New 
Baskerville BT.

If you want to learn more about typography than you'll ever need, I recommend, "The Elements of 
Typographic Style," by Robert Bringhurst.

Good luck


On 10/11/2016 9:56 AM, Julian Brooks wrote:

Hello again,

Hope this isn't seen as too cheeky...

Does anyone have any templates they'd be willing to share as examples of
decent contemporary layout (for my particular usage, it's a thesis)?

Mines just, well, boring tbh (not far off the LO standard layout, which,
though fine, is just that - somewhat dull and functional.

I don't mean something crazy and snazzy, just a proper solid contemporary
layout by someone who's into graphic design, typography and such stuff,
with a keen eye.

Or, does anyone have any links to, or pointers for, a good place to look
that not only provides examples but clear instructions on spacings,
heights, etc.?

Font-wise, I've been making use of Linux Libertine for many years but even
that seems a bit staid these days (if ethically sound:).

S'cuse the ennui,


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