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On 28-09-16 21:18, Girvin Herr wrote:
I normally use the load styles option, but now and then, when I open a
document, I get a popup saying the template has changed and it allows me
to cancel or update the document template.  If I chose cancel, it sets a
bit in the document to never allow this popup again for this document.
The Template Changer was the only option to restore this popup option.
I made the mistake years ago, thinking "Cancel" was the safe option and
not knowing the consequences, to choose Cancel for some documents.  I no
longer know which ones, since I didn't keep records of what I had opted
for each document.  And so, I could still run into documents that have
no way to restore this update feature or update the template without the
Template Changer.

Insightful! Learning every day.

This is a strange and unintuitive place to find a working extension.
Any plans to put it in the usual place for extensions under the LO home
page to make it easier for users to find?

You're right about this. Yesterday I added this here

@Patrick, @André

People are still pointed to and that version does not work. works fine, is it possible to publish it at extension-center?

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