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Hi :)
Are you able to install a Virtual Machine, such as Virtualbox;

and then try out Linux Mint or some other versions of Linux on the virtual
machine?  If you can find a version of linux that you like and that works
on your machine then you might not have to worry about upgrading to a newer

There are tons of noob-friendly "distros" such as Ubuntu, Mageia and many
others listed at;
The list is in the 3rd column under the header and is the 2nd box down in
that column.

I am not sure which is "the best" for Accessibility issues such as
screen-readers but i suspect that many people on this mailing list might be
quite happy to give pointers or suggestions about things worth trying.

Regards from
Tom :)

On 25 June 2016 at 12:52, V Stuart Foote <> wrote:

Hi Nasrin,

nasrin khaksar wrote
hi stuart.
but the third bug which you sent it for me, shows libreoffice 5.2 does
not run on windows xp.
does it mean that all features are completely unsupported and the
document foundation said goodbye to windows xp for always?
could you please send me its read me file?
Not at all.  But things are not looking good for Windows XP  sp3 continuing
as a supported OS for the project.

The Engineering Steering Committee (ESC) "the developers" are aware, but
decision to officially end support for Windows XP with the 5.1
is to *not* seek work arounds that would  be needed to continue support for
Windows XP at 5.2--has not been made.

The problem on Windows XP sp3 (32-bit, as 64-bit XP sp2 is not supported)
has been that the cURL (libcurl.dll) required for LibreOffice to
with the Update services (since 5.0) and to the Error Reporting services
(at 5.2) is not supported by Windows XP sp3.

Bug tdf#100295 is already assigned a "Highest" priority and applies from
5.2.0beta2 forward. The 5.1 branch is impacted but not broken--but it could
be the end of the line for Windows XP sp3 users.

There are several ways this could be worked around--up to the ESC, but it
unlikely that cURL would be removed, or Error Reporting not implemented at
5.2.   So unfortunately at this moment in the development cycle LibreOffice
will not launch on Windows XP Sp3.

I just checked the draft "Release notes" for 5.2 (link below), and thus far
no mention of  cURL support on XP SP3, nor a description of the new Error
Reporting mechanism. But that is common as we are some time away from the
final release.


Draft release notes 5.2

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