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Le 07/06/2016 à 20:11, Christopher Howard a écrit :

Hi Christopher,

Hi, I want to create a small embedded Base db for 3 or 4 users. It is a
mix of Gnu/Linux and Windows desktops. I can create a Base db just fine
on my person Debian laptop, but if I try to create it on our Windows
share, or copy it there and then use it, I get an error that Base cannot
communicate with the database. I can read/write to the share fine with a
file manager or text editor... so I am thinking this has something to do
with the nuances of NTFS, or file locks, or something like that. Does
anyone have any insight on that, and related work arounds?

I have seen this reported elsewhere (on other mailing lists). It might
be a bug, or it might well be a share lock option (either in soffice or
on the share itself). What are the options in your CIFS mount ?

Can you read/write to the share with other LibreOffice document types ?


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