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On 5/31/16 2:12 PM, Pat Brown wrote:
I received a document which, essentially is a document of song lyrics.
However, they were typed in at random, as they were received. I now want to
sort the songs by song title and can't figure a way to do this. The format
is the following:
 The song title, the artist, the lyrics. Each line is essentially a new
paragraph so I cannot sort by paragraph. I need some way of marking the
beginning and the ending of each song, having the contents between these
two marks recognised as a unit, and then sorting these units. Does anyone
have any ideas, without having to select each song, cutting it and then
pasting it in its correct position alphabetically

I've got a thought of what might work, but I'd need to see some of the data first.

Do you have any way of providing a portion of the doc for everyone to view?

Mac OS X 10.8.5
Firefox 44.0
Thunderbird 38.0.1
"My brain is like lightning, a quick flash
     and it's gone!"

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