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Also, format the column as numbers. That way when you enter a number it is recorded as such. If the column is formatted as text, and you input a number it is interpreted as a character.

On 05/11/2016 03:40 PM, Piet van Oostrum wrote:
shirish शिरीष wrote:

  > Dear Piet,
  > Yours and a private mail are bang on target.  Libreoffice thinks that
  > those 'numbers' are text. This I was able to find via View > Value
  > highlighting .
  > Now non-plussed how to tell libreoffice to tell it to treat them as
  > 'real numbers' ?

One way you can get numbers as text is when you import a CSV file, and forget to merk the column as 
numbers. Or when you paste from plain text and forget the same.

One way to get them as numbers is to add a function in another column, containing
if the first number is in cell B2.
Then copy this down for all numbers in the original column. Now you have a copy of your numbers, and they are really 
formatted as numbers. Now Copy this column with Edit > Copy and do a Edit > Paste Special over the original "text 
numbers", selecting only "Numbers".

Blessings, Joe Conner
Joshua 24:15 " for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

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